This website uses technologies such as cookies and comparable functions for processing information that help us to improve the user experience of the website. Because your privacy is important to us, we ask for your permission to use these technologies. You can withdraw your consent. See our privacy policy.

Essential cookies enable basic functions of the website or certain functions and can therefore not be deactivated.

Provider: Q2E Online-Agentur
Description: Saves session information such as active logins, shopping carts and other settings to ensure the functionality of the website.
Duration: until the end of the browser session

Provider: Q2E Online-Agentur
Description: Saves the selection of permitted cookies that is made here.
Duration: 1 year

These are cookies that are essential for certain functions of the website. Deactivating cookies can mean that certain functions cannot be used.

Provider: Q2E Online-Agentur
Description: Saves the device resolution to ensure the optimal display of the website.
Duration: until the end of the browser session

Provider: Facebook
Beschreibung: Activates the share or like functionality of pages on Facebook for this website. Facebook saves so-called metadata on your browser, operating system and device. In addition, Facebook logs certain actions by you as a user on this website.
Speicherdauer: unknown

These cookies help us to collect information about the use of the website. These are collected anonymously and enable us to understand how we can improve the website.

Provider: Google
Description: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website and to set various settings.
Duration: up to 2 years

Provider: Google
Description: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website and to set various settings.
Duration: up to 2 years

Provider: Pinterest
Description: Saves a timestamp (for example that of the page load) and your user id if you are a pinterest user.
Duration: up to 1 year

Provider: Matomo
Description: Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website and to set various settings.
Duration: up to 2 years

We use marketing cookies and comparable functions for processing information in order to be able to show users personalized advertising or advertisements.

Provider: Google
Description: Collects and stores information related to the control and improvement of advertising by Google Ads and Google DoubleClick.
Duration: up to 1 year

Provider: Facebook
Description: Collects and stores information relating to the analysis, control and improvement of Facebook advertising.
Duration: up to 90 days

Provider: LinkedIn
Description: Collects and stores information related to the analysis, control and improvement of LinkedIn advertising.
Duration: up to 2 years

Mover 4-A59 - Mover 4-A78

Carrelli a ripiani mobili • Carrelli per essiccatura vernici • Carrelli a ripiani asportabili

Caratteristiche del prodotto

Griglie intermedie regolabili a piacere che permettono di adattare il carrello alle proprie esigenze nel modo più semplice zoom

Distanza tra gli scaffali variabile smontando i tubi di sostegno (tramite una vite di arresto) zoom
Grande facilità di conduzione grazie alle ruote orientabili di alta qualità - 2 delle quali con fermo zoom

Dati tecnici

Mover 4-A59 | Mover 4-A78

Dati tecnici:

Mover 4-A59

Mover 4-A78

Lunghezza x profondità x altezza

1500 x 750 x 1780 mm

1500 x 940 x 1780 mm


4 (di cui 2 regolabili a piacere)

4 (di cui 2 regolabili a piacere)

Profondità ripiani

590 mm

780 mm

Numero ripiani



Altezza libera ripiani

66 mm

66 mm

Diametro tubi di sostegno

23 mm

23 mm

Rivestimento tubi di sostegno

Materiale plastico giallo

Materiale plastico giallo

Fissaggio tubi di sostegno

Sistema ad inserimento con vite di fissaggio

Sistema ad inserimento con vite di fissaggio

4 ruote girevoli, 2 bloccabili

ø 125 mm

ø 125 mm

Carico massimo intero carrello

180 kg

320 kg

Carico massimo per ripiano (4 tubi di sostegno)

60 kg

45 kg


RAL 7024 grigio grafite

RAL 7024 grigio grafite

Spedizione parzialmente montato in scatolone
P x L x A

805 x 240 x 1680 mm

1010 x 240 x 1680 mm

Peso netto/lordo

92 / 102 kg

113 / 122 kg

8 scatoloni per pallet
P x L x A

1680 x 805 x 2070 mm

1680 x 1010 x 2070 mm

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